Joe's Bio

Joe Sr, Joe and Betty 1955 SCROLL DOWN

Joe was born to Betty and Joe Broome in Norman Oklahoma. His dad was a jet fighter pilot in the Air Force so they moved from base to base all around the US till Joe was 6 years old. Joe and his four brothers Mark, Brian, Neal and Brant were very active and curious as they grew up in the Cajun town of Houma Louisiana. They caught bugs, lizards and kissed lots of girls.

Wildlife Fighting Back
This picture is an example of how Joe's Father will do anything to get a good picture including to put a lizard on little Joey's ear.

Joe spent a lot of time hunting in the woods behind his house. He took it for granted that he was part of a dependable family group.

Joe, Bob, Neal, Betty, Jeannie, Julie, David, Mama Lou, Steve, Cindy, Mama Gracie, Robby, Ogie, Mark, Joe Sr, Brian and Willa Grace 1966

So he didn't feel too uncomfortable when his family moved from one neighborhood to another as his father advanced in his civilian job at Texaco. When Joe was eight years old he promised himself that he would remember his dreams and nightmares so he could let people know about them when he was grown up. Many of those dreams turned into written stories and at the age of ten Joe was allowed to take guitar lessons. Shortly there after he began writing songs.

Mark, Brian and Joe

His first song was the Popsicle Man which was his best recollection of a popular 60s song.

Guitar Joe
Rock'n Joe 1969

At seventeen Joe hitchhiked to Oklahoma to find his Native American name. He wasn't able to afford to look up his lineage because it cost money, but he continued on to California where he met a great many liberal, tolerant and sometimes stupid people. Since then Joe's Father has traced the family line back to The Trail of Tears. He and all the Broome boys have their Choctaw Nation roll numbers. Joe is a proud Choctaw! Joe made additional hitchhiking trips with brave women who contributed more to his life than he deserved at that time.

High School Graduation 1972

When the Broome family moved away from Houma Louisiana, Joe was in a New Orleans college. He stayed in New Orleans for thirteen years and then left the party town of the south with a BA in Art and experience playing in several bands such as An Island, Gigantic Face and The Naked Fokes. Joe lived with a poet, an artist and then a writer and each woman made him more educated than his years in school.

An Island with Billy Landry, Rick Marx and Joe 1980-1983

Moving in with his brother Mark in Houston he earned his teacher certification in public school art. The then moved in with his brother Neal in Huntsville Texas where he earned 30 hours toward a Licensed Practicing Counselor degree. He moved to Maryland for ten years at the request of an awesome Indian woman and he still played in coffee houses and with various bands made up of art students and friends. In the public school system,he also learned more about his awesome Native American Grandfather, Papa Ogie and Mama Lou, Ogie's wife.

Mama Lou, Joe, and Pop Ogie 1990

Joe is eternally grateful for the contributions that poeple have made to his life and he would like for them to know that. Anyone who wants to reconnect can contact him at 512-699-8882. But I want to thank you for giving me the happiest times of my life and all the benefits which those times brought to my later life. Because you are intellectual I developed my career in education. Because you gave me years of unconditional love I have been happy to spend the rest of my life dedicated to my students. You had more to do with shaping my life than anyone except my parents and brothers. I just want to thank you.

You can access many art lessons Joe has created at www Talent Teacher .com. On the weekends he used to give free art history and 3D modeling lessons to individuals from all over the world using Active Worlds 3D chat technology. His architecturally accurate, historical environments are at 100n 5151e AW and 111n 5151e AW.

3D Web Lesson in Art History

With the assistance of the Educational Technology Leadership Program at George Washington University Joe has developed a Strategic Management Plan that includes the development of art lesson software and web and classroom educational environments. Joe wants to make educational Internet games, which can compete for the attention of the poorly educated majority. He also wants to continue with his music indefinably.

Joe playing at "The Year of theRabbit" and with "Any Given Reason" 2003. Joe playing at "The Year of theRabbit" and with "Any Given Reason" 2003.
Joe playing at "The Year of theRabbit" and with "Any Given Reason" 2003.

Safely Limitless 2005 (Jesus, Joel, Rust, Jeremy and Xpider)

Safely Limitless 2005 (Jesus, Joel, Rust, Jeremy and Xpider)

Mark, Joe Neal, Brian and Brant are all skilled at music

Alex Bustos, Chris Nice and Joe at the Water Tank in Austin Summer 2007

Safely Limitless 2007-08

Safely Limitless 2007-08
Joe Zamecki, Sam Slitine and Joe Broome

Safely Limitless 2008. Joy Kim, Joe Broome, Alex Bustos, Sami Slitine and Raydan Slitine
Safely Limitless 2008. Joy Kim, Joe Broome, Alex Bustos, Sami Slitine and Raydan Slitine

Joe Broome, Dan Boyne and Alex Bustos at the Hideout

Alex Bustos, Dan Boyne and Joe Broome.

Here is Joe, William and Xpider in 2014


Joe believes that the only way he can get what he wants is to first help the public get what they want. The public will not get what they want until they are educated, so he will educate them himself if necessary. Joe also wants to employ members of his family, his classmates and his students in an international learning community. The bands that Joe plays with are working toward the time when they can be part of his fund raising project for an educational grass root movement. Send him a note if you want to help at!

No explination.
There is no explanation for these pictures of Joe. He just thought you should know.
